Playing with qmail-spp
qmail-spp provides plug-in support for qmail-smtpd. It allows you to write external programs and use them to check SMTP command argument validity. The plug-in can trigger several actions, like denying a command with an error message, logging data, adding a header...
Rimozione del driver vpopmail-auth di dovecot. Migrating al driver SQL
Those who are still using the Dovecot's vpopmail auth driver should consider a migration to the sql driver, as on January 4, 2021 dovecot-2.3.13 was released and the vpopmail auth driver removed (more info here). Adding vpopmail's aliasdomains to MySQL As some commentators...
qmail + vpopmail + Dovecot | Roberto's qmail notes
Quotando la definizione di D. J. Bernstein qmail è un mail transfer agent semplice, sicuro ed affidabile. è stato progettato per dei server UNIX connessi alla rete internet Riferimenti Sito qmail di D.J. Bernstein (clone) Life with qmail Erwin Hoffman's "qmail support" site John Simpson's "qmail...
Installare e configurare VPopMail
Versione di vpopmail: 5.6.6 github: sagredo-dev/vpopmail Scarica Changelog completo README.vdelivermail Pagina originale di Inter7 Vpopmail fornisce un modo semplice di gestire indirizzi di posta su domini virtuali e account email diversi da quelli su /etc/passwd. Changelog Feb 15, 2025 (v. 5.6.6)- bug fix: pwstr.h was not installed by Makefile...